Hi Family and Friends,
I have been doing a lot of thinking these past couple of weeks on my road trip. Thinking about how hard it is to embrace freedom, unpredictability and the unknown.
I have wondered frequently why so many of us stay in the same place, doing the same things to the point of disinterest or boredom? Even when the bubble is broken or the cage lifted, why do we fly in the same space?
Freedom to be, to express myself, to be authentic as possible, to do what I want has always been a major priority in my life. I have talked about it a lot, but never seriously acted on it, until now. South Africa really unleashed that part of me and I am so grateful.
I was in Michigan with family and in Philadelphia last week visiting with my oldest granddaughter, Shelby. We had some deep discussions about what matters to each of us. We both discovered in our own ways that a good portion of how we live our lives does not always support our personal freedom.
Of course, to a certain degree compromise is necessary to be inter-dependent in a healthy way. But where do we draw the line in the sand which reflects our personal boundaries, desires, dreams, and uniqueness? Where is that place where the systems we belong to, study and work in, create a win/win for the system and for each of us? How do we make reciprocity the highest value in our relationships?
As I travel around the United States my observations of people, including myself, and how we live our lives is becoming keener. I am not liking what I am seeing and experiencing. A lot of things in the external environment govern our lives and we are so fatigued that too many of us are oblivious.This applies to all ages, even youth, whose time I am learning is far too prescribed.
In general, we are losing ourselves to busyness, and to the decisions others and systems make for us. In essence, we are losing our freedom to be who we are meant or choose to be. It is occurring in imperceptible bits and pieces.
As I sit in restaurants, or in my car at red lights, I see too many people on their cell phones, iPads, computers. We are so 'plugged' in that we are unplugging from ourselves.
Do you know how many more problems we have to solve each day because other people can reach us instantly? Do you realize how cluttered our minds are right now, and how many emotional reactions we are experiencing as a result of this constant barrage of communication? Do you know how much time we spend driving to and from; running, running, running? Ours is a constant state of overwhelm accompanied by diminished sense of freedom to choose how we spend our time.
When I was in Bryn Mawr, PA, just outside of Philadelphia, I was stopped at a green light because a funeral procession was passing through the intersection. Cars, being held up next to and behind me, were blowing their horns! Yes, we had a green light but we were stopped for a funeral procession. I am not sure what it means when we don't have enough patience to allow a funeral procession to pass, but I know it is not a good sign!
One reason I decided to offer myself this road adventure was to experience a sense of freedom while embracing the unpredictable and the unknown. Curiously, what I have found is an unpredictable predictability caused by the entanglements of an intractable way of life; a way of life that does not allow you to not have a plan. It is in this place that we are hardly noticing our loss of freedom to choose, to be different, to go slower, etc. At the same time, I notice a growing fear of the unknown. These two seem to have formed a partnership, one reinforcing the other.
How about you? I urge you to reflect on this and examine how much freedom you have
and/or want to claim for yourself and those you love? How much fear are you carrying? What impact is it having on your life? Do you want to make any changes?
With Gratitude,
Living from your Heart |
Hi Family and Friends,
Driving from Colorado to Michigan gave me the opportunity to enJOY all the variations of Spring! From Cottonwood Trees turning chartreuse green in Fort Collins, to manicured farm fields in Iowa, to a crayon box of greens in Michigan.
Curiously the energy center of the heart, frequently referred to as the Heart Chakra, is represented by the color green. So, as nature comes into bloom it is a reminder for me to open my heart to life.One of the finest gifts I received in South Africa that is so clear to me right now was the opportunity to live each and every day from my heart.
It is a very different experience then living from my mind. It made my daily life experiences softer, sweeter, and deeper. It quieted my 'mind chatter,' anxieties and worries, judgments and assumptions. It was so freeing, that I decided to consciously live from my heart when I returned to the United States. I am learning that is not an easy thing to do, because we are so mental in our approach to living in this Country.
Most of us are multi-taskers, which means we have to compartmentalize our thoughts and plans to cope with juggling numerous activities. We have a high need for predictability and control, and when those two things elude us, we become even more mental. Always thinking, thinking, thinking!
Over these last two weeks, I have already noticed how my mind wants to know my next steps, my next destination. It is programmed to have a 'plan!' I don't think there is anything wrong with that since it does limit the chaos in our lives. But, I also don't think we were meant to do it constantly. I think each of us has a part in us that wants to throw caution to the wind, and just see what happens. But, we deem it too risky, or time is insufficient or we are too busy.
It's been pretty easy to tell when I am living from my heart. There is a distinct absence of needing to plan, follow timelines, worry, control, manipulate, control, problem-solve, control, etc. I think you are sensing the control part at this point. Living in my heart is about giving up control; and, the irony is, I feel more in charge of myself than ever.
Since, I left Santa Fe on May 19th, I have changed my plans twice now and this coming week will see a third shift in plans. The radio show I am recording ten pod casts for was delayed a week, so I have spent extra special time with my oldest daughter and part of her family. Prior to that all my daughters gathered in Michigan over
Memorial weekend so I left Denver a few days earlier than I planned and joined them and their dad for a delightful re-union. There were many sweet, simple moments even though the main reason for coming together was to support their dad through some medical challenges.
I learned how balancing life's up and downs is so much easier when done in a circle of love and caring. I also learned how easy it is to change my plans when my heart makes the decision. During this time, I have kept up with my work commitments, but instead of being in charge of my life, I inserted these commitments with ease into what really matters most in my life right now. This is incredibly freeing and I invite you to try it.
Next week, I will be heading for Philadelphia which sort of came out of nowhere ... I look forward to the adventure!
With Gratitude,